I have several other blogs, mainly promoting local businesses in my home state of Michigan. A writer for one of my blogs, The Genesee County Business Blog, added a company that has a great invention for cats, called the Cat Roost.
Here is what he has to say about his invention:
My inspiration for the Cat Roost came one day while visiting the Adopt-a-Pet center in Fenton Michigan. We ended up adopting two cats that day, Kitten and Angel, now better known as Siegfried and Roy. Yes just like the famous Las Vegas Tiger act duo.
Each day as I watched Siegfried & Roy cuddle up on a chair or a blanket I'd think back to my visit at Adopt-a-Pet and the crates they were kept in. The cats loved sleeping and napping in a hammock like bed made with a piece of cloth attached to the sides of the crate
So that’s the story of how the Cat Roost was created. I’m always looking for ways to make life easier and more comfortable for the ones who always give us joy and unconditional love, our Pets!
And most of all............Proudly Made in the USA!
Well that's how the product came to be. If you want more information, visit the site CatRoost.com!